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Mass abductions of children in Nigeria - children should not be used as disposable pawns.

Mass abductions of children in Nigeria - children should not be used as disposable pawns. On Thursday 25th February 2021, at least 300 students were abducted in the latest of recent escalating incidents as terrorist gunmen attacked a government school in the North-Western Zamfara state of Nigeria. According to the BBC, Local officials have confirmed the attack but have not given any further details. This latest mass abduction targeting schools and children is becoming a regular occurrence for terrorist groups and affiliated armed bandits to disrupt and discourage education of young citizens. Last week, 42 people including 27 students were kidnapped in Kagara, Niger State. In December over 300 boys were kidnapped from a school in Kankara, Katsina State and held in exchange for a ransom. These follow previous high-profile mass abductions of 276 girls from Chibok in Borno State and 110 schoolgirls from Dapchi in Yobe State, a case in which one, Leah Sharibu is still missing, 3 years on. The UK Parliament and government which seeks to be a ‘force for good’ on the world stage cannot stand by and watch as terrorists in Northern Nigeria continue to play chess with the lives of young citizens and the government of Nigeria keeps negotiating with criminal and paying large ransoms which encourages and funds further evil. The UK, by turning a blind eye, sends a signal of support to the terrorists which in turn, gives them an air of superiority and impunity due to a lack of accountability. The security ineptitude demonstrated in the frequency of these mass kidnappings (currently prevalent in Northern Nigeria) is escalating at a ridiculously alarming rate, so we demand national government action concerning these and other similar acts destabilizing Nigeria. Our ask is that UK trade negotiations with Nigeria be suspended until the Nigerian Government can demonstrate that they are indeed being intentional and proactive in protecting her citizens, evident in the development of quantifiable security measures enforced in all Nigerian States. These security measures should be designed in partnership with various international statutory provisions and do not infringe but protect the human rights of Nigerian citizens. “Enough is Enough, our children are not disposable pawns”
Ayo Adedoyin
PSJ CEO Please contact for contributed enquiries: [email protected] Website:
PSJ UK Media Relations
Our mission
The International Organization for Peace Building and Social Justice (PSJ) is an NGO which exists to promote peacebuilding and social justice in Nigeria. It has no political affiliations and does not intend to transmute into a political party. Using research and evidence-based information, PSJ UK is set out to facilitate the process of collaboration across civil societies, the public and private sectors, the government and research bodies to foster inclusion, equity, and social justice for the deprived and marginalized.
The Nigerian Security Crisis
PSJ UK and partners are campaigning for the Human rights of Nigerians to be upheld, namely,:
  • Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states that “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and ”
  • Article 3 of the UN’s declaration of Human rights “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of ”

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